Do I really need to go for a Certification?

Do I really need to go for a Certification?
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Do I really need to go for a Certification?

People often say why certifications are required when they have their educational qualification with them. Answer to this is when you see the word “Certified XYZ” with a person’s name, you know that means they’ve earned the right to be called a certified professional. There are many other cryptic initials following a name. That’s because thousands of associations use professional certifications to recognize individuals for being dedicated to their career and to uphold a credible set of standards.

Ask a certified professional “why?” and they’ll tell you that the certification process is one of the single most important step you can make in career development to ensure your sincerity towards your profession. Allow us to let you know the top 10 reasons you should consider professional certification:

  1. Enhanced commitment to your profession: Certification exhibits how committed you are to your chosen career, along with how well you perform to set standards. Certification sets you apart as a leader in your field.
  2. Remarkable professional credibility: Certifications recognize your individual accomplishments, stands above your resume, serving as an impartial, third-party endorsement of your knowledge and expertise. And when the clients/employers look for individuals qualified to perform required services, they seek individuals – who have achieved certification in that respective field.
  3. Certification improves career opportunities and advancements: Certification gives you the “edge” when being considered for a higher ranks or other career opportunities. Certification clearly identifies you as a professional who can adapt to changes in work, technology, business practices, and innovation.
  4. Professional recognition: Hear that applause? It’s all for you! As a certified professional, you can expect increased recognition from your peers for going that extra mile in your professional development.
  5. Raised image as a Professional: Professional certification programs seek to grow, promote, and build certified professionals who can stand “out in front” as benchmark of excellence in the respective industry.
  6. Greater initiatives: Since certification is a voluntary professional commitment to an industry or field of knowledge, it’s a clear indicator of your willingness to invest in your own professional development. Certified professionals are aware of the constantly changing environment their profession faces, and they possess the tools needed to anticipate and respond to that change. They seldom fall in the trap of “who moved my cheese.”
  7. Profitable earnings potential: As a certified professional, you can expect many benefits, but in today’s downsized, topsy-turvy working world, pay raise speaks for itself. In addition to this earning certification in your field empowers you to start your own venture in case things on your organization are no hunky dory, which are not these days.
  8. Enhanced skills and knowledge: Achieving certification highlights your individual competence by confirming proficiency, knowledge, and career commitment. You are considered as the benchmark of knowledge & understanding in the field you get certified
  9. Heightened self-esteem: Professional certification programs create a high set of standards for a particular profession, complete with performance standards, ethics, and career paths. Certified professionals are empowered to control their own professional fortune and find a deep sense of purpose & personal satisfaction.

Research shows that Successful people’s continuous thirst for knowledge is a key element in building an expanding, thriving business. And although certification programs can be an investment of time and resources, they help provide recognition for your specialized knowledge or skill set, which can be a significant benefit when it comes to landing certain clients or projects.

Certifications are often a worthwhile investment because of the many advantages they can provide throughout your career. As you move forward and as your business evolves, be sure to keep your certifications up-to-date so you can continue to realize these benefits.

So Go for that Certification!

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Do I really need to go for a Certification?